Aungattay | Native Amer.. | Standing in the track. Kiowa | | |
Aura | American | Derived from the Latin aura (air) | | |
Aure | French | From the Latin aura (aura), which i.. | | |
Aurek | Polish | Meaning "golden-haired." | | |
Aurele | French | Derived from the Latin Aurelius, an.. | | |
Aureli | Polish | Derived from the Latin Aurelius, an.. | | |
Aurelia | American | Feminine form of the Latin Aureliu.. | | |
Aurelia | English | Feminine form of the Latin Aurelius.. | | |
Aurelia | Hawaiian | A borrowing from the Latin, Aurelia.. | | |
Aurelia | Hungarian | Feminine form of the Latin Aurelius.. | | |
Aurelia | Italian | Feminine form of the Latin Aurelius.. | | |
Aurelia | Polish | A borrowing from the Italian, Aurel.. | | |
Aurelia | Spanish | Feminine form of Aurelio (gold). .. | | |
Aurelie | French | Feminine form of Aurele, which is f.. | | |
Aurelien | French | An alteration of Aurele (golden), f.. | | |
Aurelio | Italian | Derived from the Latin Aurelius, an.. | | |
Aurelio | Spanish | Derived from the Latin Aurelius, an.. | | |
Aureo | Spanish | Derived from the Latin Aureus, whic.. | | |
Aurick | German | This name means "protecting ruler.".. | | |
Auriel | Mythology a.. | Hebrew name meaning "lion of Go.. | | |
Aurora | English | Derived from the Latin aurora (dawn.. | | |
Aurora | Italian | Derived from the Latin aurora (dawn.. | | |
Aurora | Mythology a.. | Derived from the Latin aurora (dawn.. | | |
Aurore | French | Derived from the Latin aurora (dawn.. | | |
Austin | American | Contracted form of Augustine (great.. | | |
Austin | English | Contracted form of Augustine (gre.. | | |
Austin | German | A borrowing from the English, Austi.. | | |
Austin | Welsh | A borrowing from the English, Austi.. | | |
Auta | Nigerian | Meaning "the last born."
| | |
Autonoe | Mythology a.. | From Greek mythology, Autonoe was t.. | | |
Autumn | American | Derived from autumn, which denotes .. | | |
Ava | English | Of uncertain origin and meaning, Av.. | | |
Avalon | Mythology a.. | From the Middle Latin Avallonis ins.. | | |
Avani | Hindu | Popular name derived from avana (ea.. | | |
Avanindra | Hindu | Compound name meaning "lord of the .. | | |