Abegaila | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Abigail, a c.. |  |  |
Abeje | African | We asked to have this child. Yoruba.. |  |  |
Abeje | Nigerian | Meaning "we asked to have this one... |  |  |
Abejide | African | Oruko name meaning "born during win.. |  |  |
Abejundio | Spanish | Derived from abejuno (of a bee, rel.. |  |  |
Abeke | African | We asked for her to pet her. Yoruba.. |  |  |
Abel | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew hebel (brea.. |  |  |
Abel | French | A borrowing from the Latin and Gree.. |  |  |
Abel | Greek | Derived from the Hebrew hebel (brea.. |  |  |
Abel | Hungarian | Derived from the Hebrew hebel (brea.. |  |  |
Abel | Hebrew | Derived from the Hebrew hebel (brea.. |  |  |
Abel | Spanish | Derived from the Hebrew hebel (brea.. |  |  |
Abelard | German | This name means "highborn and stead.. |  |  |
Abelardo | Spanish | Cognate of the French Adelard, a de.. |  |  |
Abelia | French | A feminine form of Abel, which is d.. |  |  |
Abelone | Scandinavia.. | Danish form of Apollonia, the femin.. |  |  |
Abena | African | Akeradini name meaning "born on Tue.. |  |  |
Abena | Ghanaian | Meaning "born on Tuesday." |  |  |
Abeni | African | We asked for her, and look, we got .. |  |  |
Abeni | Nigerian | Meaning "we asked for her, and she .. |  |  |
Abeo | African | She has come to bring happiness and.. |  |  |
Abeo | Nigerian | Meaning "her birth brings happiness.. |  |  |
Abequa | Native Amer.. | She stays home. Chippewa |  |  |
Abey | Native Amer.. | Leaf. Omaha |  |  |
Abeytu | Native Amer.. | Green leaf. Omaha. Derived from the.. |  |  |
Abeytzi | Native Amer.. | Yellow leaf. Omaha. Derived from th.. |  |  |
Abha | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit abha (lig.. |  |  |
Abhiraja | Hindu | Sanskrit compound name meaning "gre.. |  |  |
Abi | American | Short form of any of the names begi.. |  |  |
Abia | Muslim/Arab.. | Arabic name meaning "great." |  |  |
Abiade | Nigerian | Meaning "born of royal parents."
|  |  |
Abiah | Hebrew | Jehovah is my father. The name is b.. |  |  |
Abichayil | Hebrew | Father of might. The name is borne .. |  |  |
Abidemi | African | Born during the father's absence. Y.. |  |  |
Abidemi | Nigerian | Meaning "born during father's absen.. |  |  |