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Browse over 535 Greek Girl Names and Greek Boy Names

Greek Baby Names

Name Origin Meaning Rating Fav.
EugeniosGreekDerived from eugenes (well-born, no..
EukratesGreekDerives from Greek eu, which means ..
EulaliaGreekCompound name composed of the eleme..
EunikeGreekCompound name composed of the eleme..
EuphemiaGreekCompound name composed of the eleme..
EuphemiosGreekCompound name composed of the eleme..
EupheniaGreekDerived from the Greek euphonia (sw..
EurydiceGreekFrom the Greek ercry, which means "..
EusebiosGreekLate Greek compound name composed o..
EustachiusGreekCompound name composed of the eleme..
EutychiaGreekLiterally, "happiness."
EvaGreekFrom the Hebrew Chava, a derivative..
EvadneGreekDerived from the element eu (good, ..
EvangeliaGreekLatinate form of Evangeline (bringe..
EvangelineGreekA borrowing from the French, Evange..
EvantheGreekCompound name composed of the Greek..
FelixGreekA borrowing from the Latin, Felix i..
FiliaGreekDerived from the Latin filia (daugh..
FlavianGreekFrom the Latin Flavius, an old Roma..
GalateaGreekBorne in Greek mythology by a statu..
GeorgiaGreekFeminine form of Georgios, a name d..
GeorgiosGreekDerived from georgos (earthworker, ..
GiawnesGreekA form of John, which means "God ..
GillianGreekA borrowing from the English, Gilli..
GiorgosGreek"Tiller of the soil."
GregorGreekShort form of Gregorios (vigilant, ..
GregoriosGreekOld name meaning "vigilant, a watch..
HagneGreekDerived from the Greek hagnos (chas..
HalcyoneGreekDerived from the Greek alhyon (king..
HaliGreekDerived from hali (the sea)
HeleneGreekPopular name derived from the root ..
HeliaGreekFeminine form of Helios, a name d..
HeraGreekDerived from the Greek herds (prote..
HerakleesGreekCompound name composed from Hera (t..
HermioneGreekFeminine form of Hermes, a name of ..

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