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Browse over 535 Greek Girl Names and Greek Boy Names

Greek Baby Names

Name Origin Meaning Rating Fav.
ApollineGreekFeminine form of Apollonios (of Apo..
ApolloGreekDerived from Apollon, an ancient na..
ApollonasGreekOne of twelve gods of Olympus.
ApostolosGreekDerived from apostolos (an apostle,..
AppolloniosGreekA derivative of Apollo, the name of..
ArchimedesGreekCompound name composed of the eleme..
AreteGreekDerived from Ares, the name of the ..
ArethousaGreekDaughter of Nerea and Thoridas, a n..
ArgosGreekDerived from argos (bright). The na..
AriGreekShort form of any of the names begi..
AriadneGreekDerived from the elements ari (very..
AristeidesGreekA politician and general of ancient..
AristidesGreekDerived from aristos (best). The na..
AristoklesGreekCompound name composed of the eleme..
AristophanesGreekThe comic playwright in ancient Gre..
AristotelesGreekThe ancient Greek philosopher from ..
AristotelisGreekCompound name composed of the eleme..
AritiphontasGreekOne of the ten rhetors of Attica, 4..
ArkhipposGreekCompound name composed of the eleme..
ArseniosGreekA name meaning "male, virile, mascu..
ArtemisGreekOf unknown etymology borne in Greek..
ArtemisiaGreekA borrowing of the name of the plan..
AsklepiosGreekGod of medicine in ancient Greece; ..
AspasiaGreekDerived from aspasia (welcome). The..
AsterGreekDerived from the Greek aster (a sta..
AtalanteGreekA name from Greek mythology, Atalan..
AthanasiaGreekDerived from the Greek athanasia (i..
AthanasiosGreekDerived from the Greek atfuxnasia (..
AthenaGreekThe goddess of wisdom in Greek myth..
AthenagorasGreekThe name of a rhetorical speaker fr..
AtheneGreekAncient name of unknown etymology b..
AthmetosGreekThe king of the Molossians. Also th..
AthriatiosGreekThe Roman Philhellenic Emperor, A. ..
AtolosGreekClassical name meaning "the changea..
AugustineGreekDerived from the Latin Augustinus, ..

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