Boris | German | A borrowing from the Russian, Boris.. |  |  |
Boris | Hungarian | A borrowing from the Russian, Boris.. |  |  |
Boris | Rumanian | A borrowing from the Russian, Boris.. |  |  |
Boris | Russian | Russian name of debated origin... |  |  |
Borislav | Russian | Compound name composed from the Sla.. |  |  |
Borivoj | Slovak | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Borys | Polish | From the Russian Boris, a name of d.. |  |  |
Boryslaw | Polish | Compound name composed from the Sla.. |  |  |
Boseda | African | Born on Sunday. Tiv, Nigeria |  |  |
Boseda | Nigerian | Meaning "born on Sunday." |  |  |
Bosley | English | Meaning "meadow near the woods."
|  |  |
Botan | Japanese | Borrowed from the name of the peony.. |  |  |
Bourey | Southeast A.. | County. Cambodia |  |  |
Bourne | French | Meaning "border."
|  |  |
Bowen | Welsh | Meaning "son of Owen." |  |  |
Boyce | French | Meaning "woods" or "forest." |  |  |
Boyd | American | Transferred use of the surname deri.. |  |  |
Boye | Scandinavia.. | Dutch name of uncertain and dispute.. |  |  |
Bozidar | Slovak | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Bozydar | Polish | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Brad | American | A short form of any of the names co.. |  |  |
Brad | English | A short form of both Bradford and.. |  |  |
Bradburn | English | Meaning "broad stream."
|  |  |
Braden | American | Transferred use of the English surn.. |  |  |
Bradford | American | Transferred use of the surname aris.. |  |  |
Bradford | English | Transferred use of the surname that.. |  |  |
Bradley | American | Transferred use of the surname orig.. |  |  |
Bradley | English | Transferred use of the surname orig.. |  |  |
Bradon | English | Meaning "broad hill." |  |  |
Bradshaw | American | Transferred use of the surname deri.. |  |  |
Bradshaw | English | Meaning "broad forest."
|  |  |
Brady | American | Transferred use of the surname orig.. |  |  |
Brage | Norwegian | Meaning "poet." The name of the god.. |  |  |
Braham | Indian | Meaning "creator." |  |  |
Brahma | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit brahman (.. |  |  |