Brown | English | Meaning "brown."
|  |  |
Bruce | English | Transferred use of the surname orig.. |  |  |
Bruce | Scottish | Transferred use of the surname orig.. |  |  |
Bruno | French | A borrowing from the Old High Germa.. |  |  |
Bruno | German | From the German bruno (brown). The .. |  |  |
Bruno | Italian | A borrowing from the Germans, Bruno.. |  |  |
Bruno | Portuguese | Meaning "brown."
|  |  |
Brunon | Polish | Derived from the Germanic brun (bro.. |  |  |
Bryant | English | Transferred use of the surname deri.. |  |  |
Bryce | Welsh | An alternate form of Brice |  |  |
Brychan | Welsh | Derived from an old Welsh word mean.. |  |  |
Bryn | Welsh | Popular name derived from the Welsh.. |  |  |
Brynmor | Welsh | Compound name composed of the Welsh.. |  |  |
Bryon | German | A name that means "cottage."
|  |  |
Buadhach | Irish | Derived from the Gaelic buaidh (vic.. |  |  |
Buagh | Irish | Anglicized form of Buadhach (victor.. |  |  |
Bubba | American | Meaning "brother." Football great B.. |  |  |
Buchanan | American | Transferred use of the Scottish sur.. |  |  |
Buck | American | Derived from buck (a male deer, a s.. |  |  |
Buck | German | Meaning "male deer." One well-known.. |  |  |
Buckminst.. | English | Meaning "preacher." Geodesic dome c.. |  |  |
Bud | English | Meaning "herald" or "messenger." Bu.. |  |  |
Buddy | American | A familiar form of Bud. Actor Bud.. |  |  |
Budislav | Slovak | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Budzislaw | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Buell | German | This name has the meaning "hill."
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Buford | English | Meaning "ford near the castle." |  |  |
Bugonegij.. | Native Amer.. | Opening in the sky. Chippewa |  |  |
Burgess | English | Transferred use of the surname deri.. |  |  |
Burke | American | Transferred use of the surname mean.. |  |  |
Burke | French | Meaning "fortress" or "castle." |  |  |
Burke | German | Meaning "from the fortified settlem.. |  |  |
Burl | German | A short form of Berlin, meaning ".. |  |  |
Burne | English | See Bourne in French section |  |  |
Burney | English | A familiar form of Rayburn, signi.. |  |  |