Bobo | African | Akeradini name meaning "born on Tue.. |  |  |
Bodil | Norwegian | Meaning "fighting woman."
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Bodua | Ghanaian | Meaning "the tail of an animal."
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Bogart | German | Signifying "strong as a bow." A not.. |  |  |
Bogdan | Polish | Popular compound name composed of t.. |  |  |
Bogdan | Russian | Compound name derived from the Slav.. |  |  |
Boguchwal | Polish | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Bogumierz | Polish | Compound name composed from the Sla.. |  |  |
Bogumil | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Boguslaw | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Bohdan | Slovak | Czech form of Bogdan, a compo.. |  |  |
Bohdan | Ukrainian | Meaning "given by God."
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Bohumfr | Slovak | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Bohumil | Slovak | Czech form of Bogumil (God's .. |  |  |
Bohuslav | Slovak | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Bohuslav | Czech | Literally means "glory to God." A n.. |  |  |
Boisso | Native Amer.. | Meaning "cat." From the Arapaho.
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Bojan | Slovak | Derived from the old Slavonic eleme.. |  |  |
Boldizsar | Hungarian | Hungarian form of Balthasar, a na.. |  |  |
Boleslau | Portuguese | Portuguese cognate of the Slavonic .. |  |  |
Boleslav | Slovak | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Boleslaw | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Bomani | African | Warrior. Ngoni, Malawi |  |  |
Bon-Hwa | Korean | Utmost glory, most glorious |  |  |
Bonaro | Spanish | "Friend." |  |  |
Bonaventu.. | Italian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Bonaventu.. | Spanish | A borrowing from the Italian, Bonav.. |  |  |
Bond | English | Meaning "man of the earth." |  |  |
Bonifacio | Italian | Derived from the Late Latin Bonifat.. |  |  |
Bonifacio | Spanish | Derived from the Late Latin Bonifat.. |  |  |
Bonifacy | Polish | From the Italian Bonifacio, which i.. |  |  |
Booker | English | Meaning "bookmaker," "book lover," .. |  |  |
Boone | French | Meaning "good." |  |  |
Booth | English | Meaning "dwelling place." A famous .. |  |  |
Borden | French | Meaning "cottage."
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