Priscilla | English | Diminutive form of the Latin Prisca.. |  |  |
Priscylla | Polish | Diminutive form of the Latin Prisca.. |  |  |
Priya | Hindu | Popular name derived from the Sansk.. |  |  |
Priya | Indian | Meaning "beloved" or "sweet-natured.. |  |  |
Procopio | Spanish | Derived from the Greek Prokopios (p.. |  |  |
Prokhop | Russian | Russian form of the Greek Prokopios.. |  |  |
Prokhor | Russian | Derived from the Greek Prochoros (l.. |  |  |
Prokop | Slovak | From the Greek Prokopios (progres.. |  |  |
Prokop | Polish | From the Greek Prokopios (progressi.. |  |  |
Prokopios | Greek | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Proserpin.. | Mythology a.. | Borne in Roman mythology by a daugh.. |  |  |
Prosper | French | From the Latin Prosperus, which is .. |  |  |
Prospero | Italian | From the Latin Prosperus, which is .. |  |  |
Prospero | Spanish | Derived from the Spanish prospero (.. |  |  |
Protima | Hindu | Borne by Protima Gauri Bedi, founde.. |  |  |
Prudence | English | Medieval cognate of the Late Latin .. |  |  |
Prudencia | Spanish | Derived from the Spanish prudencia .. |  |  |
Pryderi | Welsh | Old Welsh name meaning "caring .. |  |  |
Prym | Polish | Polish form of the Italian Primo, w.. |  |  |
Przbyslaw | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Psyche | Mythology a.. | Derived from the Greek psyche (the .. |  |  |
Ptaysanwe.. | Native Amer.. | White buffalo. Sioux |  |  |
Pua | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian pua (flow.. |  |  |
Pua | Polynesian | Borrowed from that of a flowering t.. |  |  |
Puakaeafe | Polynesian | A thousand pigs |  |  |
Puakai | Hawaiian | Compounding of the Hawaiian element.. |  |  |
Puakatau | Polynesian | A boar |  |  |
Puakea | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the Hawai.. |  |  |
Pualani | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Puanani | Hawaiian | Compounding of the popular elements.. |  |  |
Pulikeka | Polynesian | Handsome |  |  |
Puluke | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Bruce, a name or.. |  |  |
Puluno | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of the German Bruno, .. |  |  |
Pulupaki | Polynesian | A fragrant garland of flowers |  |  |
Punawai | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian punawi (w.. |  |  |