Pakwa | Native Amer.. | The Hopi word for "frog."
|  |  |
Pal | Hungarian | Hungarian form of Paul, a name deri.. |  |  |
Pal | Scottish | Gaelic form of Paul (small). See P.. |  |  |
Pal | Swedish | A form of Paul, meaning "small."
|  |  |
Pala | Native Amer.. | Water. Luiseno |  |  |
Palaki | Polynesian | Black |  |  |
Palakiko | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Francis, which i.. |  |  |
Palani | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Frank, which is .. |  |  |
Palash | Indian | Meaning "flowering tree."
|  |  |
Palauni | Polynesian | Brown |  |  |
Palefu | Polynesian | Black |  |  |
Palekolom.. | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Bartholomew, a c.. |  |  |
Palenapa | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Barnabas, a name.. |  |  |
Pallas | Greek | A name borne in Greek mythology as .. |  |  |
Pallas | Mythology a.. | Derived from the Greek pallas (maid.. |  |  |
Pallitow | Native Amer.. | Meaning "he has spoiled it." From t.. |  |  |
Paloma | Spanish | Derived from the Spanish paloma (do.. |  |  |
Pamela | English | Coined by the English poet and stat.. |  |  |
Pamuya | Native Amer.. | Meaning "water moon". From the Hopi.. |  |  |
Pana | Native Amer.. | Partridge. Cahokia |  |  |
Pancha | Spanish | Meaning "free." A feminine form of .. |  |  |
Pancho | Spanish | A form of Francisco, meaning "fre.. |  |  |
Pandita | Indian | Meaning "scholar." Educated parents.. |  |  |
Pandora | Greek | Compound name composed from the Gre.. |  |  |
Pangiota | Greek | Compound name composed from the ele.. |  |  |
Panini | Hindu | Derived from the old family name Pa.. |  |  |
Panna | Hindu | Emerald |  |  |
Panola | Native Amer.. | Cotton. Choctaw, |  |  |
Panthea | Greek | Compound name composed of the Greek.. |  |  |
Panya | African | Mouse. Bestowed in reference to a t.. |  |  |
Panyin | African | Akeradini name meaning "first born .. |  |  |
Panyin | Ghanaian | Meaning "the elder of twins." |  |  |
Paola | Italian | Feminine form of Paolo, the Itali.. |  |  |
Paola | Spanish | Feminine form of Paulo (small). S.. |  |  |
Paolo | Italian | Italian cognate of Paul, which is f.. |  |  |