Powell | American | Patronymic derived from the Welsh a.. |  |  |
Poweshiek | Native Amer.. | Fox name derived from pawishik (he .. |  |  |
Powhatan | Native Amer.. | Algonquian name derived from pauwau.. |  |  |
Prabhat | Hindu | Derived from prabha (light), Prabha.. |  |  |
Pradeep | Hindu | Derived from pradlpa (light) |  |  |
Pradosh | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit pradosa (.. |  |  |
Pragyata | Hindu | Wisdom, knowledge |  |  |
Prairie | American | Derived from prairie (a plain, a la.. |  |  |
Prakash | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit prakasa (.. |  |  |
Pramod | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit pramoda (.. |  |  |
Prarthana | Hindu | Prayer |  |  |
Prasad | Hindu | Derived from prasada (brightness, b.. |  |  |
Pratap | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit pratapa (.. |  |  |
Pratibha | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit pratibha .. |  |  |
Pravin | Hindu | Derived hompravina (skillful, able).. |  |  |
Preciosa | Spanish | Derived from the Spanish precioso (.. |  |  |
Prem | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit prema (lo.. |  |  |
Prema | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit prema (lo.. |  |  |
Premlata | Hindu | From the Sanskrit premalatd (a smal.. |  |  |
Premysl | Slovak | Czech form of the Latin Primus, whi.. |  |  |
Presencia | Spanish | Derived from the Spanish presencia .. |  |  |
Presentac.. | Spanish | Derived from the Spanish presentati.. |  |  |
Preston | American | Transferred use of the surname mean.. |  |  |
Preston | English | "Priest's estate." Film director an.. |  |  |
Prewitt | French | Meaning "brave little one." |  |  |
Pribislav | Slovak | Compound name composed from the Sla.. |  |  |
Pribislav.. | Slovak | Feminine form of Pfibislav (helpe.. |  |  |
Price | Welsh | Meaning "son of the ardent one." |  |  |
Pricha | Thai | Meaning "clever."
|  |  |
Primavera | Spanish | Meaning "spring."
|  |  |
Primo | Italian | Meaning "first" or "prime quality,".. |  |  |
Primrose | English | Meaning "first rose." |  |  |
Princess | English | Suggesting "daughter of royalty." |  |  |
Priscilia.. | Spanish | Spanish form of Priscilla, a Latin .. |  |  |
Priscilla | Biblical | Diminutive form of Prisca, which .. |  |  |