Herberto | Spanish | Spanish cognate of Herbert, a name .. |  |  |
Herculano | Portuguese | Derived from Hercules, the Latin .. |  |  |
Herculano | Spanish | Derived from Hercules, the Latin fo.. |  |  |
Hercule | French | From the Latin Hercules, which is f.. |  |  |
Heribert | German | Derived from Heriberht and Hariberh.. |  |  |
Heriberto | Spanish | A form of the name Herbert, meani.. |  |  |
Herleif | Scandinavia.. | Derived from the obsolete Old Norse.. |  |  |
Herman | English | Introduced by the Normans, Herman i.. |  |  |
Herman | Polish | From the German Hermann, a name der.. |  |  |
Herman | Spanish | From the German Hermann (soldier, w.. |  |  |
Hermann | German | Derived from the Old High German Ha.. |  |  |
Hermod | Scandinavia.. | Derived from the Old Norse Hermosr,.. |  |  |
Hernando | Spanish | A form of the name Ferdinand, mea.. |  |  |
Herrick | German | Which means "war ruler." |  |  |
Herve | French | From the Breton Herve, an evolution.. |  |  |
Hervi | French | A form of Harvey.
|  |  |
Hesperos | Greek | The name of the evening star, which.. |  |  |
Hevel | Hebrew | Derived from the Hebrew hebel (brea.. |  |  |
Hewitt | French | Meaning "little smart one." |  |  |
Hewitt | German | Meaning "little smart one." |  |  |
Hewney | Irish | Anglicized form of the Gaelic Uaith.. |  |  |
Hezekiah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew hizqlyah (Y.. |  |  |
Hiamovi | Native Amer.. | The Cheyenne for "high chief."
|  |  |
Hiawatha | Native Amer.. | Derived from the Iroquoian Haio-hwa.. |  |  |
Hideaki | Japanese | Wise, discerning, |  |  |
Hideki | Japanese | Meaning "bright tree." A notable Hi.. |  |  |
Hideo | Japanese | Excellent male |  |  |
Hien | Southeast A.. | To be mild, sweet, good-natured. Vi.. |  |  |
Hieremlas | Greek | Ecclesiastic Greek name derived.. |  |  |
Hieronim | Polish | Derived from the Greek Hieronymos (.. |  |  |
Hieronimo | Portuguese | Derived from the Greek Hieronymos (.. |  |  |
Hieronymo.. | Greek | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Hifo | Polynesian | A sacrifice |  |  |
Hijanu | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Juan, the Spanis.. |  |  |
Hikila | Polynesian | To raise the sail |  |  |