Ha | Southeast A.. | River. Vietnam, |  |  |
Ha'iku | Hawaiian | Derived from the name of a flower t.. |  |  |
Habiba | African | Sweetheart, beloved. Derived from t.. |  |  |
Habiba | Hindu | A borrowing from the Arabic, Habiba.. |  |  |
Habiba | Muslim/Arab.. | Derived from hablb (beloved), which.. |  |  |
Habibah | African | Meaning "beloved," a name for a chi.. |  |  |
Hachi | Native Amer.. | Stream. Seminole |  |  |
Hachi | Japanese | Meaning "eight thousand" and "good .. |  |  |
Hadara | Hebrew | Meaning "adorned with beauty." |  |  |
Hadassah | Hebrew | Hebrew name meaning "myrtle, a .. |  |  |
Hadi' | Muslim/Arab.. | Derived from the Arabic kadi' (calm.. |  |  |
Hadil | Muslim/Arab.. | Popular name derived from hadil (th.. |  |  |
Hadiya | African | From the Arabic Kadi (religio.. |  |  |
Hadley | English | Meaning "heather field." |  |  |
Hadya | Muslim/Arab.. | Derived from hadi (religious leader.. |  |  |
Hae-Won | Korean | Composed of elements meaning "truth.. |  |  |
Hafsa | Muslim/Arab.. | Old name in common use since pre-Is.. |  |  |
Hafsah | African | Old Arabic name of uncertain me.. |  |  |
Hagar | Hebrew | Believed to be derived from the Ara.. |  |  |
Hagne | Greek | Derived from the Greek hagnos (chas.. |  |  |
Hai | Chinese | Meaning "sea" or "ocean." This char.. |  |  |
Haidee | Spanish | Of Greek origin meaning "calm, tran.. |  |  |
Haimi | Hindu | Golden |  |  |
Haiwee | Native Amer.. | Dove. Shoshone |  |  |
Hajar | Muslim/Arab.. | Popular name thought to be derived .. |  |  |
Hajna | Hungarian | Hungarian form of Hannah, a Heb.. |  |  |
Hajnal | Hungarian | Hungarian name meaning "dawn." |  |  |
Hakumele | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the Hawai.. |  |  |
Hala | Muslim/Arab.. | Old Arabic name derived from hala (.. |  |  |
Halapua | Polynesian | The road near the pua trees |  |  |
Halcyon | Mythology a.. | Derived from the Greek alky on (kin.. |  |  |
Halcyone | Greek | Derived from the Greek alhyon (king.. |  |  |
Haldis | German | Germanic name meaning "purposeful." |  |  |
Haldis | Norwegian | A name that means "stone-help."
|  |  |
Haleakua | Hawaiian | Compounding of the Hawaiian element.. |  |  |