Kira | American | A borrowing from the Greek, Kira is.. | | |
Kira | Russian | Feminine form of the Greek Kyros, a.. | | |
Kira | Bulgarian | Meaning "throne."
| | |
Kiran | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit kirana (a.. | | |
Kiri | Hindu | Borrowed from the name of the amara.. | | |
Kiriah | Hebrew | Village | | |
Kiritina | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Christine, a.. | | |
Kirsten | German | A borrowing from the Scandinavians,.. | | |
Kirsti | Norwegian | A familiar form of Kirsten, meani.. | | |
Kirstie | Scottish | A pet form of Kirstin (a Christia.. | | |
Kirstin | Scottish | Scottish form of the Scandinavian K.. | | |
Kirystin | Czech | A form of the Scandinavian name.. | | |
Kisa | African-Ame.. | Modern coinage of uncertain derivat.. | | |
Kishi | Japanese | Beach, seashore | | |
Kishi | Native Amer.. | Meaning "panther." From the Hasinai.. | | |
Kishiko | Japanese | Child of the seashore | | |
Kishori | Hindu | Young girl, filly. Kishori is deriv.. | | |
Kisima | African | Meaning "spring." Perhaps reflectiv.. | | |
Kissa | African | Born after twins. Luganda, Uganda | | |
Kissa | Ugandan | Meaning "born after twins."
| | |
Kita | Japanese | Meaning "north" is commonly used as.. | | |
Kitra | Hebrew | Aramaic name meaning "crown." | | |
Kiwa | Japanese | Born on a border | | |
Kiwako | Japanese | Child born on a border | | |
Kiwayo | Japanese | Generation on a border | | |
Kiwidinok | Native Amer.. | Woman of the wind. Chippewa, | | |
Kiyo | Japanese | Happy generations. The name connote.. | | |
Kiyoko | Japanese | Child of happy generations | | |
Kiyoshi | Japanese | Bright, shining, clear | | |
Kiyuga | Native Amer.. | Meaning "chipmunk." From the Cherok.. | | |
Kizuwanda | African | Meaning "the last-born child."
| | |
Kjersti | Norwegian | An alternate form of Kirsten, which.. | | |
Klanna | African-Ame.. | Modern coinage of uncertain derivat.. | | |
Klara | Hungarian | Hungarian form of Clara, a name d.. | | |
Klara | Polish | Polish form of Clara, which is deri.. | | |