Firman | French | Meaning "firm" or "strong." |  |  |
Firmin | French | From the Latin Firminus, a derivati.. |  |  |
Firoz | Hindu | Derived from the Arabic firoz (vict.. |  |  |
Firth | English | Signifying "woodland."
|  |  |
Fiske | Scandinavia.. | Swedish name derived from fiske.. |  |  |
Fiske | English | Meaning "fisherman." |  |  |
Fitch | English | Meaning "weasel" or "ermine." |  |  |
Fitz | English | Meaning "son." |  |  |
Fitzgeral.. | English | Literally meaning "son of Gerald," .. |  |  |
Fitzhugh | English | Literally, "son of Hugh."
|  |  |
Fitzpatri.. | English | This name means "son of Patrick."
|  |  |
Fitzroy | Irish | Meaning "son of the king."
|  |  |
Flann | Irish | Old name derived from flann (red): .. |  |  |
Flannan | Irish | Diminutive form of Flann (red): hen.. |  |  |
Flavian | Greek | From the Latin Flavius, an old Roma.. |  |  |
Flavio | Italian | From the Latin Flavius, which origi.. |  |  |
Flavio | Portuguese | A variation upon the name Flavian.. |  |  |
Flawiusz | Polish | Polish form of Flavius, a Latin nam.. |  |  |
Fleet | American | A short form of Fleetwood, Fleet .. |  |  |
Fleetwood | American | Transferred use of the English surn.. |  |  |
Fleming | English | Derived from Middle Dutch for "from.. |  |  |
Flemming | Scandinavia.. | A very popular name in Denmark, Fle.. |  |  |
Fletcher | English | Transferred use of the surname deri.. |  |  |
Flint | English | Meaning "stream" or "flint-stone." |  |  |
Florencio | Spanish | Spanish cognate of Florence, a name.. |  |  |
Florent | French | Meaning "blossoming." |  |  |
Florentin | French | From the Latin FlorentTnus, an elab.. |  |  |
Florentyn | Polish | From the Latin FlorentTnus, an elab.. |  |  |
Florian | French | From the Latin Florianus, an elabor.. |  |  |
Florian | German | From the Latin Florianus, an elabor.. |  |  |
Florian | Polish | From the Latin Florianus, an elabor.. |  |  |
Floris | Scandinavia.. | Dutch cognate of the Latin Florenti.. |  |  |
Floyd | English | Variant of the Welsh Lloyd (gray), .. |  |  |
Flynn | Irish | A name that means "son of the red-h.. |  |  |
Foka | Russian | Derived from the Greek Phocas (from.. |  |  |