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Browse over 47 Swedish Girl Names and Swedish Boy Names

Swedish Baby Names

Name Origin Meaning Rating Fav.
AlvarSwedishThis is the name of a small shrub n..
AndersSwedishA form of the English name And..
AnnaSwedishA form of Hannah, which means "gr..
AnnalinaSwedishA combination of Anna and Lina.
BirgitteSwedishA form of Bridget, Celtic for "st..
BrittaSwedishMeaning "power."
CharlotteSwedishMeaning "petite and feminine."
EvaSwedishA name signifying "life." One popul..
EvelinaSwedishA name that means "star."
FransSwedishFrom the Latin name Francis, meanin..
FreyaSwedishThis name is inspired by a mytholog..
GudrunSwedishMeaning "divine wisdom."
GunillaSwedishMeaning "battle maiden."
GustafSwedishA form of the Scandinavian name..
HilmarSwedishMeaning noble."
HuldaSwedishThis name means "hidden."
IngalillSwedishA combination of Inge and Lillian.
JohannaSwedishFrom the Hebrew meaning "God is gra..
KarolinaSwedishA feminine form of Karl.
KjellSwedishA form of Carl, which means "famo..
KristerSwedishA form of Christian, meaning "a C..
KristoferSwedishA form of Christopher, meaning "C..
LaurisSwedishA form of Laurence, meaning a "la..
LenriartSwedishA form of Leonard, which means "s..
LinneaSwedishThis name signifies "lime tree."
LukasSwedishA form of Luke, from the Latin me..
MajSwedishFrom Margaret, meaning "a pearl."
MalenaSwedishA familiar form of Magdalene, whi..
MathiasSwedishA form of the Hebrew Matthew,..
MatsSwedishA familiar form of Matthew. One p..
MikaelSwedishA form of Michael, which means "W..
NiklasSwedishA form of Nicholas, meaning "vict..
NilsSwedishA short form of Nicholas. Among n..
PalSwedishA form of Paul, meaning "small."
PauloSwedishA form of Paul.

Description of Swedish Names
Swedish Baby Names
Some of the most popular names in Sweden are, to this day, Old Norse names that have a deep connection to Scandinavian history and culture. Asa, one of the most common names for girls, is an Old Swedish name meaning "goddess," and Bo, a favorite for boys, means "the domiciled." Names derived from Latin, such as Johan, Thomas, Karl, and their corresponding feminine forms, were first introduced during the 1300s when conversion to Christianity began to occur on a larger scale. Swedish names made famous by film and sports celebrities are Ing-mar (Bergman), meaning "the god Ing's famous soldier," and Bjorn (as in the tennis star Borg), which literally means "bear." By law, parents must give their children one or more first names and report these to the Office of Taxation within three months. Names that may be offensive or cause the child discomfort are not approved. Other famous Swedes include the writers Par Lagerkvist, Nelly Sachs, Harry Edmund Martinson, and Eyvind Johnson.
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