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Browse over 462 Scottish Girl Names and Scottish Boy Names

Scottish Baby Names

Name Origin Meaning Rating Fav.
AdaidhScottishGaelic form of Adie, which is a pet..
AdamScottishDerived from the Hebrew adama (red ..
AdhamhScottishScottish Gaelic form of Adam, a nam..
AdhamhnanScottishDiminutive form of Adhamh, the Ga..
AgnesScottishPopular name derived from the Greek..
AidanScottishA borrowing from the Irish, Aidan i..
AilbeartScottishScottish Gaelic form of Albert (b..
AileanScottishScottish Gaelic form of Alan, which..
AileenScottishVariant of the name Eileen, which..
AilieScottishAnglicized spelling of Eilidh, a Ga..
AilpeanScottishVery old name in common use in Scot..
AilsaScottishA borrowing from the Scottish place..
AimiliScottishGaelic form of Amelia, which is an ..
AindreaScottishScottish Gaelic form of Andrew (man..
AingealagScottishGaelic form of the English Angelica..
AinsleeScottishTransferred use of the Scottish sur..
AinsleyScottishTransferred use of the Scottish sur..
AlanScottishOld name of Breton origin but of un..
AlanaScottishFeminine form of Alan, which is a..
AlasdairScottishScottish Gaelic form of Alexander..
AlbertScottishDerived from the Old High German Ad..
AlexScottishA short form of Alexander (defend..
AlexanderScottishDerived from the Greek Alexandras (..
AlexandraScottishPopular name derived from the Greek..
AlexinaScottishFeminine form of Alex, which is a..
AlickinaScottishFeminine form of Alick, a variant..
AlisonScottishPopular medieval Norman diminutive ..
AlpinScottishAnglicized form of Ailpein, an old ..
AmeliaScottishA borrowing from the English, Ameli..
AmhlaidhScottishScottish Gaelic form of Olaf (ances..
AndraScottishScottish form of Andrew (manly), ..
AndrewScottishA borrowing from the English, Andre..
AngelaScottishA borrowing from the English, Angel..
AngelicaScottishA borrowing from the English, Angel..
AngieScottishOriginally a short form of Angela a..

Description of Scottish Names
Scottish Baby Names
SCOTLAND IS divided into three physical regions: the Highlands, the Southern Uplands, and the Central Lowlands, where two-thirds of the population live. Many traditional Scottish names come from the Feen, the heroic Celtic ancestors of the Scots race whose fantastic exploits form the basis of many legends and myths. English and Norman names are also widely used, though more so in the Lowlands than in the Highlands, where Scots Gaelic is still widely spoken and cultural pride is strong. Surnames developed in the Scottish Lowlands after the Norman Conquest, as they did in England. But, being some distance from the Norman seat of power, they came about more slowly and were not hereditary for some time. In the Highlands the clan was the source of power and protection. When people joined a clan, they added the clan surname to their own, even if there was no familial relationship. The surname usually consisted of the name of the chieftain to which was prefixed the word mac (son). Thus, though Lowland surnames developed as patronymics and matronymics, and from occupational names, locales, or personal characteristics, the majority of Highland surnames are patronymics and did not become hereditary until the 18th century.
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