Haunani | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the prefi.. |  |  |
Hekeka | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of the Latin Hector.. |  |  |
Helemano | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Herman, a name d.. |  |  |
Heleuma | Hawaiian | Hawaiian name meaning "anchor, ston.. |  |  |
Hemolelekeakua | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the Hawai.. |  |  |
Heneli | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Henry, the Engli.. |  |  |
Hi'ilani | Hawaiian | A compounding of the elements hi'i .. |  |  |
Hijanu | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Juan, the Spanis.. |  |  |
Hilalia | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form, of Hilary, a nam.. |  |  |
Hipakeiki | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian hipa keik.. |  |  |
Hiuwe | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Hugh, a cogn.. |  |  |
Hiwahiwakeiki | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Ho'olana | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian ho'olana .. |  |  |
Hoaalohakupa'a | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Hoaka | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian hoaka (br.. |  |  |
Hoalohalani | Hawaiian | Compounding of the elements hoaloha.. |  |  |
Hoalohanani | Hawaiian | Compounding of the elements hoaloha.. |  |  |
Hokea | Hawaiian | The Anglicized form of the Hebrew H.. |  |  |
Hoku'alohi | Hawaiian | Compound name composed from the ele.. |  |  |
Hokuao | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian hokuao (m.. |  |  |
Hokuaonani | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Hokulani | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Holakio | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of the Italian Horati.. |  |  |
Holama | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the Hawai.. |  |  |
Holeka | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Horace, the Englis.. |  |  |
Holomakani | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian holomakan.. |  |  |
Honekakala | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian honekakal.. |  |  |
Huali | Hawaiian | From the Hawaiian huali (bright, po.. |  |  |
Huko | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of the German Hugo,.. |  |  |
Iakepa | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Jasper, the Engl.. |  |  |
Iakona | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Jason, the Engli.. |  |  |
Ialeka | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Jared, which is fr.. |  |  |
Ianete | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Janet, a dim.. |  |  |
Ieke | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Jesse, a cognate.. |  |  |
Ielemia | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Jeremiah, a name.. |  |  |