Kamoku | Hawaiian | Compounding of the Hawaiian element.. |  |  |
Kamuela | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Samuel, a cognat.. |  |  |
Kana | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of the Hebrew Dan (.. |  |  |
Kana'i | Hawaiian | Derived from the elements ka (one, .. |  |  |
Kanaie | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Stanley (dweller.. |  |  |
Kanakanui | Hawaiian | Compound name meaning "person of gr.. |  |  |
Kanani | Hawaiian | Compounding of the Hawaiian element.. |  |  |
Kaneho'omalu | Hawaiian | Compound name meaning "man of peace.. |  |  |
Kani | Hawaiian | Meaning "sound" or "music."
|  |  |
Kaniela | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of the Hebrew Daniel.. |  |  |
Kanoa | Hawaiian | A name that means "free," as in unr.. |  |  |
Kapalaoa | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Kapalekanaka | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Kapali | Hawaiian | Compounding of the elements ka (one.. |  |  |
Kapeliela | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Gabriel, a c.. |  |  |
Kaponianani | Hawaiian | Compound name meaning "beautiful an.. |  |  |
Kapua | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Kapua'ula | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Karolaina | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Caroline, a Fr.. |  |  |
Katarina | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Catherine, a c.. |  |  |
Kaulana | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian kaulana (.. |  |  |
Kaulana | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian kaulana (.. |  |  |
Kaulo | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Saul, a cognate .. |  |  |
Kauluwehi | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Kawaimomona | Hawaiian | Compound name meaning "sweet water,.. |  |  |
Kawena | Hawaiian | Compounding of the elements ka (one.. |  |  |
Kawena'ula | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Kawika | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of the Hebrew David.. |  |  |
Kawikani | Hawaiian | Compounding of the elements ka (one.. |  |  |
Ke'ala | Hawaiian | Meaning "fragrant."
|  |  |
Ke'alohi | Hawaiian | Compounding of the elements ke (one.. |  |  |
Kea | Hawaiian | Short form of any of the names cont.. |  |  |
Keahi | Hawaiian | An elemental name that means "flame.. |  |  |
Keahilani | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Keaka | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Jack, a pet form.. |  |  |