Koukakala | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Douglas, a n.. |  |  |
Kuaika | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Dwight, a name t.. |  |  |
Kuauli | Hawaiian | Compound name from the elements kua.. |  |  |
Kukane | Hawaiian | Compounding of the elements kit (re.. |  |  |
Kulamau'u | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Kuliano | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Julian, a co.. |  |  |
Kupa'alani | Hawaiian | Compound name meaning "divine resol.. |  |  |
La'akea | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Lahahana | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Laionela | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of the French Li.. |  |  |
Laka | Hawaiian | Meaning "tame." Also the name of th.. |  |  |
Lana | Hawaiian | Short form of any of the names cont.. |  |  |
Lanakila | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian lanakila .. |  |  |
Lani | Hawaiian | Derived from the popular Hawaiian w.. |  |  |
Lani | Hawaiian | Derived from the popular Hawaiian w.. |  |  |
Lapa'ela | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Raphael, a c.. |  |  |
Lara | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Laura, a name deri.. |  |  |
Lea | Hawaiian | The name of the Hawaiian goddess of.. |  |  |
Lei | Hawaiian | A familiar form of Leiiani.
|  |  |
Leilani | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Leinani | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Leolani | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian leolani (.. |  |  |
Leonani | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Lia | Hawaiian | Short form of any of the names cont.. |  |  |
Lihau | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian Uhau, a w.. |  |  |
Llna | Hawaiian | Short form of any of the names cont.. |  |  |
Lokela | Hawaiian | Hawaiian form of Roger (spear fam.. |  |  |
Lokelani | Hawaiian | Meaning "a heavenly rose."
|  |  |
Lokene | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Rodney, a na.. |  |  |
Lokomaika'i | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian lokomaika.. |  |  |
Lokomaika'inani | Hawaiian | Compound name composed of the eleme.. |  |  |
Lono | Hawaiian | This is the name of the Hawaiian go.. |  |  |
Lopaka | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Robert (brig.. |  |  |
Luka | Hawaiian | Hawaiianized form of Luke, a Midd.. |  |  |
Lulani | Hawaiian | "Highest point in heaven." From lu,.. |  |  |