Moses | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew mdsheh (dra.. |  |  |
Naamah | Biblical | Sweetness, the beautiful. Naamah wa.. |  |  |
Naomi | Biblical | My joy, my delight. Naomi was the w.. |  |  |
Nathan | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew nathan (gif.. |  |  |
Nathanael | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew nethanel (g.. |  |  |
Nehemiah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew nechemyah (.. |  |  |
Noah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew noach (rest.. |  |  |
Ophrah | Biblical | Hebrew name meaning "a fawn." I.. |  |  |
Orpah | Biblical | Hebrew name meaning "a fawn, a .. |  |  |
Paul | Biblical | Derived from the Latin paulus (smal.. |  |  |
Persis | Biblical | Probably of Latin or Greek origin b.. |  |  |
Peter | Biblical | Derived from the Latin petrus (a ro.. |  |  |
Philemon | Biblical | Derived from the Greek philemon (af.. |  |  |
Phillip | Biblical | Derived from the Greek Phillipos (l.. |  |  |
Phoebe | Biblical | Derived from the Greek Phoibe, whic.. |  |  |
Priscilla | Biblical | Diminutive form of Prisca, which .. |  |  |
Rachel | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew rachel (ewe.. |  |  |
Rebekah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew ribbqah (no.. |  |  |
Reuben | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew reuben (beh.. |  |  |
Reuel | Biblical | Hebrew name meaning "friend of .. |  |  |
Rhoda | Biblical | Derived from the Greek Rhode (a ros.. |  |  |
Ruth | Biblical | Of uncertain etymology, most think .. |  |  |
Salome | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew shdom (peac.. |  |  |
Samson | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew shimshon (t.. |  |  |
Samuel | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew shemuel (na.. |  |  |
Sapphira | Biblical | Aramaic name meaning "beautiful." I.. |  |  |
Sarah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew sarah (prin.. |  |  |
Saul | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew shad (asked.. |  |  |
Seth | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew sheth (appo.. |  |  |
Shem | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew shem (name,.. |  |  |
Shiloh | Biblical | Thought to mean "he who is to be se.. |  |  |
Silas | Biblical | Derived from the Aramaic sh'ila (as.. |  |  |
Simeon | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew shim'on (he.. |  |  |
Simon | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew shim'on (he.. |  |  |
Solomon | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew shelomoh (p.. |  |  |