Benjamin | Biblical | From the Hebrew binydmin (son of th.. |  |  |
Berenice | Biblical | Derived from the Greek elements phe.. |  |  |
Beth | Biblical | From beth (house), the second lette.. |  |  |
Bethany | Biblical | House of dates or figs. The name is.. |  |  |
Bethel | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew beth'el (ho.. |  |  |
Beulah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew be'iadh (ma.. |  |  |
Bilhah | Biblical | Bashful, faltering. The name belong.. |  |  |
Bithlah | Biblical | Daughter of Jehovah. Bithiah was th.. |  |  |
Bithynia | Biblical | Of the Bithyni. The name is borrowe.. |  |  |
Cain | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew qaying (smi.. |  |  |
Calah | Biblical | The name of one of the most ancient.. |  |  |
Caleb | Biblical | Hebrew name meaning "a dog; fai.. |  |  |
Candace | Biblical | A name of uncertain derivation born.. |  |  |
Casiphia | Biblical | Silver, white, shining. The name is.. |  |  |
Charity | Biblical | Derived from the Latin caritas (est.. |  |  |
Chloe | Biblical | Derived from the Greek khloe (bloom.. |  |  |
Cilicia | Biblical | The name of a Roman province in sou.. |  |  |
Claudia | Biblical | Derived from the Latin claudus (hal.. |  |  |
Clement | Biblical | Derived from the Latin clemens (mil.. |  |  |
Cornelius | Biblical | Believed to be derived from the Lat.. |  |  |
Cyrus | Biblical | Derived from the Old Persian kurush.. |  |  |
Damaris | Biblical | Of uncertain derivation, some belie.. |  |  |
Dan | Biblical | Judge. Dan was the fifth son of Jac.. |  |  |
Daniel | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew ddni'el (Go.. |  |  |
Darius | Biblical | A name of uncertain meaning borne b.. |  |  |
Dathan | Biblical | Borne by a Ruebenite chieftain who .. |  |  |
David | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew david (belo.. |  |  |
Deborah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew deborah (a .. |  |  |
Delilah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew detilah (de.. |  |  |
Demas | Biblical | Borne by a fellow missionary of Pau.. |  |  |
Demetrius | Biblical | Derived from the Greek Demetrios (o.. |  |  |
Diana | Biblical | Derived from the Latin diviana (div.. |  |  |
Dinah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew dinah (judg.. |  |  |
Dorcas | Biblical | Derived from the Greek dorkas (gaze.. |  |  |
Dove | Biblical | Derived from the Greek taube (dove).. |  |  |