Drusilla | Biblical | Feminine form of Drusus, an old f.. | | |
Eden | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew 'edhen (del.. | | |
Eleazar | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew el'azdr (Go.. | | |
Eli | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew 'eh (high, .. | | |
Eliakim | Biblical | God will raise up. The name is born.. | | |
Elias | Biblical | Greek variant, used in the RSV New .. | | |
Eliezer | Biblical | Hebrew name meaning "God of hel.. | | |
Elijah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew 'eliyahu (J.. | | |
Elisabeth | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew elisheba' (.. | | |
Elisha | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew ellsha' (Go.. | | |
Elkanah | Biblical | God created. Elkanah was the name o.. | | |
Enoch | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew hanokh (ded.. | | |
Ephraim | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew ephrayim (v.. | | |
Erastus | Biblical | Derived from the Greek Erastos (lov.. | | |
Esau | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew 'esaw (hair.. | | |
Esther | Biblical | Of debated origin and meaning. See .. | | |
Eunice | Biblical | Derived from the Greek Eunike (good.. | | |
Eve | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew hawwah (lif.. | | |
Ezekiel | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew yechesq'el .. | | |
Faith | Biblical | Derived from the Middle English fei.. | | |
Festus | Biblical | A name of uncertain derivation born.. | | |
Gabriel | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew gavhrl'el (.. | | |
Gabriela | Biblical | Feminine form of Gabriel (God is my.. | | |
Gallio | Biblical | A name some believe means "milky." .. | | |
Gedaliah | Biblical | Hebrew name meaning "made great.. | | |
Gershon | Biblical | Expulsion. Gershon was the eldest o.. | | |
Gideon | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew gidh'on (he.. | | |
Grace | Biblical | Derived from the Latin gratia (plea.. | | |
Hannah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew hannah, cha.. | | |
Helah | Biblical | Hebrew name meaning "rust." It .. | | |
Hezekiah | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew hizqlyah (Y.. | | |
Hiram | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew 'ahlram (ex.. | | |
Hope | Biblical | From hope (desire, expectation, wan.. | | |
Hosea | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew hashed' (sa.. | | |
Hoshea | Biblical | Variant form of Joshua (deliverance.. | | |