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Browse over 234 Biblical Girl Names and Biblical Boy Names

Biblical Baby Names

Name Origin Meaning Rating Fav.
DrusillaBiblicalFeminine form of Drusus, an old f..
EdenBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew 'edhen (del..
EleazarBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew el'azdr (Go..
EliBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew 'eh (high, ..
EliakimBiblicalGod will raise up. The name is born..
EliasBiblicalGreek variant, used in the RSV New ..
EliezerBiblicalHebrew name meaning "God of hel..
ElijahBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew 'eliyahu (J..
ElisabethBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew elisheba' (..
ElishaBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew ellsha' (Go..
ElkanahBiblicalGod created. Elkanah was the name o..
EnochBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew hanokh (ded..
EphraimBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew ephrayim (v..
ErastusBiblicalDerived from the Greek Erastos (lov..
EsauBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew 'esaw (hair..
EstherBiblicalOf debated origin and meaning. See ..
EuniceBiblicalDerived from the Greek Eunike (good..
EveBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew hawwah (lif..
EzekielBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew yechesq'el ..
FaithBiblicalDerived from the Middle English fei..
FestusBiblicalA name of uncertain derivation born..
GabrielBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew gavhrl'el (..
GabrielaBiblicalFeminine form of Gabriel (God is my..
GallioBiblicalA name some believe means "milky." ..
GedaliahBiblicalHebrew name meaning "made great..
GershonBiblicalExpulsion. Gershon was the eldest o..
GideonBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew gidh'on (he..
GraceBiblicalDerived from the Latin gratia (plea..
HannahBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew hannah, cha..
HelahBiblicalHebrew name meaning "rust." It ..
HezekiahBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew hizqlyah (Y..
HiramBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew 'ahlram (ex..
HopeBiblicalFrom hope (desire, expectation, wan..
HoseaBiblicalDerived from the Hebrew hashed' (sa..
HosheaBiblicalVariant form of Joshua (deliverance..

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