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Browse over 205 Indian Girl Names and Indian Boy Names

Indian Baby Names

Name Origin Meaning Rating Fav.
AakashIndianMeaning "sky."
AditiIndianMeaning "unbound." The mother of Hi..
AdyaIndianMeaning "ancient." A variation is ..
AgniIndianMeaning "fire." The Hindu fire god ..
AjaIndianMeaning "goat." Variations include ..
AjayIndianMeaning "invincible."
AmandeepIndianMeaning "light of peace."
AmarIndianA name that means "immortal."
AmitIndianMeaning "boundless," or "eternal," ..
AmlikaIndianMeaning "mother." A variation is A..
AnalaIndianMeaning "fire."
AnandIndianMeaning "bliss."
AnandaIndianMeaning "bliss."
AnantIndianMeaning "eternal" or "without end."
AnilIndianMeaning "wind God."
AnilaIndianA Hindu god of the wind.
AraxiIndianA child with this name is practical..
ArjuiiIndianA child with this name is diligent ..
ArthaIndianMeaning "wealth." Variations includ..
ArunIndianMeaning "the morning sun."
AshwaniIndianMeaning "first. It's the name of a ..
AshwinIndianA name that means "star."
BakulaIndianMeaning "flower."
BalIndianSanskrit for "child born with lots ..
BhagwandasIndianMeaning "servant of God."
BrahamIndianMeaning "creator."
ChakraIndianMeaning "circle of energy." From th..
ChandaIndianSanskrit for "great goddess or moon..
ChandanIndianMeaning "fragrant wood used to offe..
ChandaravthIndianMeaning "moonlike" or "similar to m..
ChandraIndianA Sanskrit name meaning "moon."
DakshIndianMeaning "intelligent."
DandinIndianMeaning "holy man."
DarshanIndianMeaning "vision." Usually a vision ..
DevaIndianMeaning "divine" or "male god."

Description of Indian Names
Indian Baby Names
Although there are hundreds of traditional Indian names, new names come into vogue every year. Each region of India has a distinctive naming pattern. For example, a South Indian name is easily discernible from a Bengali name. Authentic Hindu names usually come from a root word and then are modified or joined with another root word to create a special meaning. For example, the name Veda means "knowledge," derived from the word veed, meaning "to know." A land that has endured thousands of years of aggression waged by every race imaginable, from Greek and Roman to English and Arabic, India has adopted many names from various cultures.
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