Constantine | French | From the Latin Constantinus, which .. |  |  |
Cordell | French | Meaning "rope maker." |  |  |
Corin | French | From the Latin Quirinus, which is d.. |  |  |
Corinne | French | Derived from the Greek Korinna, whi.. |  |  |
Corneille | French | From the Latin Cornelius, an old Ro.. |  |  |
Cosette | French | A familiar form of Nicole, from t.. |  |  |
Crepin | French | A form of Crispin, meaning "curly.. |  |  |
Curtis | French | Derived from the Old French curteis.. |  |  |
Cyprien | French | From the Latin Cyprius, which is fr.. |  |  |
Cyrille | French | Borne by both males and females, Cy.. |  |  |
Cyrille | French | Borne by both males and females, Cy.. |  |  |
Damica | French | Meaning "friendly." |  |  |
Damien | French | From the Greek Damianos, which is t.. |  |  |
Dandri | French | A combination of the prefix De and .. |  |  |
Daniel | French | Derived from the Hebrew dani'el (Go.. |  |  |
Daniele | French | Feminine form of Daniel, which is d.. |  |  |
Danielle | French | Meaning "God is my judge." A femini.. |  |  |
Darcelle | French | A form of Darci, which means "the.. |  |  |
Darielle | French | An alternate form of Daryl, from .. |  |  |
Darlene | French | Meaning "little darling." Congressw.. |  |  |
Darrell | French | Meaning "darling," "beloved," or "c.. |  |  |
Daryl | French | A short form of Darlene. Among no.. |  |  |
David | French | Derived from the Hebrew ddvld (belo.. |  |  |
Dax | French | Meaning "water."
|  |  |
Delano | French | Signifies "nut tree." President Fra.. |  |  |
Delphin | French | From the Latin Delphinus (a dolphin.. |  |  |
Delphine | French | From the Latin Delphina (woman from.. |  |  |
Delroy | French | Meaning "belonging to the king." Ac.. |  |  |
Demont | French | Meaning "mountain."
|  |  |
Denis | French | From the Greek Dionysius (of Dionys.. |  |  |
Denise | French | Feminine form of Denis, which is fr.. |  |  |
Desiree | French | From the Latin Desiderata, which is.. |  |  |
Dessa | French | A form of Desiree.
|  |  |
Destin | French | Meaning "destiny" or "fate." |  |  |
Destiny | French | As in "fate." |  |  |