Joelle | French | Feminine form of Joel, which, via t.. |  |  |
Johanne | French | Feminine form of Johann, a German c.. |  |  |
Jolie | French | Meaning "pretty." Among notables wi.. |  |  |
Jordane | French | Feminine form of Jordan, a borrowin.. |  |  |
Josee | French | Feminine form of the Spanish Jose, .. |  |  |
Joseph | French | A borrowing from the Ecclesiastic L.. |  |  |
Josephe | French | Feminine form of Joseph, a borrowin.. |  |  |
Josephine | French | Variant of Josephe (may he add) for.. |  |  |
Josette | French | A familiar form of Josephine |  |  |
Josii | French | A borrowing from the Spanish, Jose .. |  |  |
Jourdain | French | French cognate of Jordan, a borrowi.. |  |  |
Judith | French | Cognate of the Hebrew Jehudith and .. |  |  |
Jules | French | Cognate of Julius, an old Roman fam.. |  |  |
Julie | French | French cognate of Julia, a feminine.. |  |  |
Julien | French | From the Latin Julianus, which is a.. |  |  |
Julienne | French | Feminine form of Julien, which is f.. |  |  |
Juliet | French | Forms of Julia. Among notable peo.. |  |  |
Julitte | French | Derived from the Latin Julitta, a n.. |  |  |
Juste | French | From the Old French Juste (just), w.. |  |  |
Justin | French | From the Latin Justlnus, which is d.. |  |  |
Justine | French | Feminine form of Justin, which is f.. |  |  |
Justis | French | Meaning "just." |  |  |
Kalliroe | French | Derived from the Greek Kallirroe (b.. |  |  |
Karessa | French | A form of Caressa |  |  |
Kristophe | French | A form of Cristopher, which is Gr.. |  |  |
Kurt | French | A short form of Kurtis and altern.. |  |  |
Kurtis | French | An alternate form of Curtis, based .. |  |  |
Lafayette | French | Originally a surname. The marquis d.. |  |  |
Laine | French | Meaning "wool." A short form of El.. |  |  |
Lambert | French | Of Germanic origin, Lambert is deri.. |  |  |
Lamond | French | Meaning "world." |  |  |
Lance | French | From the Old High German Lanzo, whi.. |  |  |
Lancelot | French | Meaning "attendant." The legendary .. |  |  |
Landry | French | Meaning "ruler." |  |  |
Laramie | French | Signifying "tears of love."
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