Anetra | American | A form of Annette |  |  |
Angela | American | A Latinate form of Angel, a name .. |  |  |
Angelica | American | Derived from angelic (like an angel.. |  |  |
Angeni | American | Meaning "spirit." |  |  |
Angie | American | Pet form of any of the names beginn.. |  |  |
Anita | American | Originally a Spanish pet form o.. |  |  |
Anna | American | Cognate of the Hebrew Hannah .. |  |  |
Annabeth | American | Combination name composed of the na.. |  |  |
Annalisa | American | Combination name formed with the na.. |  |  |
Anne | American | French form of Anna (gracious, fu.. |  |  |
Annie | American | Pet form of Anna and its variant .. |  |  |
Annjanette | American | A blend of Ann and Janette |  |  |
Anthony | American | Derived from the Latin Antonius, an.. |  |  |
Apple | American | Derived from apple, which denotes t.. |  |  |
April | American | Borrowed from the name of the fourt.. |  |  |
Archer | American | Transferred use of the surname deri.. |  |  |
Arianne | American | From the Latin Ariadne, which is de.. |  |  |
Ariel | American | A borrowing from the Hebrew masculi.. |  |  |
Arizona | American | Transferred use of the name of the .. |  |  |
Arlan | American | Variant form of Erland (foreigner.. |  |  |
Arlene | American | Modern coinage believed to be model.. |  |  |
Arnel | American | Transferred use of the surname deri.. |  |  |
Arnett | American | Transferred use of the English surn.. |  |  |
Artia | American | Feminine form of Art. See Art a.. |  |  |
Asa | American | Derived from the Hebrew asa (a heal.. |  |  |
Ashley | American | Originated as a surname derived fro.. |  |  |
Ashton | American | Transferred use of the surname mean.. |  |  |
Audrey | American | Derived from the Old English AEthel.. |  |  |
Aura | American | Derived from the Latin aura (air) |  |  |
Aurelia | American | Feminine form of the Latin Aureliu.. |  |  |
Austin | American | Contracted form of Augustine (great.. |  |  |
Autumn | American | Derived from autumn, which denotes .. |  |  |
Averill | American | Transferred use of the English surn.. |  |  |
Baby | American | "Baby." |  |  |
Bailey | American | Transferred use of the English surn.. |  |  |