Kinta | Native Amer.. | Beaver. Choctaw | | |
Kiona | Native Amer.. | Meaning "brown hills." Source unkno.. | | |
Kishi | Native Amer.. | Meaning "panther." From the Hasinai.. | | |
Kitstsui-SHAMKIN | Native Amer.. | Metal shirt. Nez Perce | | |
Kiwidinok | Native Amer.. | Woman of the wind. Chippewa, | | |
Kiyiya | Native Amer.. | Meaning "howling wolf." From theYak.. | | |
Kiyiyah | Native Amer.. | Howling wolf. Nez Perce | | |
Kiyo'kaya | Native Amer.. | One who moves about warily, he who .. | | |
Kiyuga | Native Amer.. | Meaning "chipmunk." From the Cherok.. | | |
Klah | Native Amer.. | Left-handed. Navajo, | | |
Knasgowa | Native Amer.. | Heron. Cherokee | | |
Kohana | Native Amer.. | Swift. Sioux | | |
Koi | Native Amer.. | Panther. Choctaw | | |
Kokana | Native Amer.. | Meaning "swift." From the Dakota or.. | | |
Konieschguanokee | Native Amer.. | Maker of daylight. Delaware | | |
Konish-AUTASSIN | Native Amer.. | Wounded buzzard. Nez Perce | | |
Kono | Native Amer.. | A Miwok or Moquelumnan name meaning.. | | |
Koolkool-Snehee | Native Amer.. | Red owl. Nez Perce, | | |
Koopnee | Native Amer.. | Broken, broke. Nez Perce | | |
Kooskooskia | Native Amer.. | Clear water. Nez Perce | | |
Kosa | Native Amer.. | Meaning "sheep." From the Cheyenne,.. | | |
Kosumi | Native Amer.. | Signifies "spear fisher." From the .. | | |
Kotori | Native Amer.. | Meaning "screech owl spirit" in Hop.. | | |
Kulakinah | Native Amer.. | Male deer, stag. Cherokee | | |
Kuruk | Native Amer.. | Meaning "bear." From the Pawnee, a .. | | |
Kusiwut | Native Amer.. | AYakima or Sahaptin name that means.. | | |
Kuzih | Native Amer.. | Signifying "good speaker." From the.. | | |
Kwahu | Native Amer.. | The Hopi word for "eagle."
| | |
Kwam | Native Amer.. | The Zuni form of John, from the Heb.. | | |
Kwanita | Native Amer.. | Zuni variant of the Spanish Juanita.. | | |
Kwasa | Native Amer.. | Meaning "fur robe" or "fur dress." .. | | |
Lahpatupt | Native Amer.. | Twice-broken bone. Nez Perce | | |
Lahpeealoot | Native Amer.. | Geese three times alighting in wate.. | | |
Lakochets-KUNNIN | Native Amer.. | Rattle blanket. Nez Perce | | |
Lallo | Native Amer.. | Little boy. Kiowa. This was the nat.. | | |