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Browse over 37 Latvian Girl Names and Latvian Boy Names

Latvian Baby Names

Name Origin Meaning Rating Fav.
AgathaLatvianMeaning "wealthy." Agatha Christie ..
AigarsLatvianA name of honor that means "brave."..
AijaLatvianMeaning "song." Aija Kukule is a La..
AsnateLatvianMeaning "fresh" or "new wave."
AspazijaLatvianMeaning "sublime." Aspazija Rainis ..
BaibaLatvianMeaning "cheerful."
BeatriseLatvianWhich means "bringer of joy."
BenitaLatvianA name that means "lovely" or "pret..
BirutaLatvianA name that means "giving joy."
BrencisLatvianMeaning "joyful" or "delightful."
DagmaraLatvianMeaning "sublime soul."
EizenijaLatvianMeaning "of noble birth."
GerdaLatvianMeaning "tiller of the soil." Gerda..
GirtsLatvianMeaning "forest." The name of Latvi..
GrietaLatvianA short form of the name Margarita..
IikinlisLatvianMeaning "gift."
JanisLatvianFrom the Hebrew name John, whic..
JurisLatvianMeaning "sea." Juris Podnieks was a..
KarklensLatvianThe equivalent to the Teutonic name..
KarleneLatvianA feminine equivalent of the name C..
LeldeLatvianMeaning "peace." The name of Latvia..
LieneLatvianMeaning "light," from the Greek..
MaraLatvianA form of the Hebrew name Mary..
MargotsLatvian"Margo's son." Margots was an ancie..
MartinsLatvianA form of the name Martin, which ..
NiklavsLatvianThe equivalent of the Greek nam..
OlgertsLatvianMeaning prosperous
RaimondsLatvianMeaning "happy" and "lucky." Raimon..
ReginaLatvianMeaning "queen."
RitvarsLatvianTranslated literally, means "mornin..
SwaigeLatvianA name that means "snow."
TaiivaldisLatvianA name that means "prompt," "quick,..
UldisLatvianA name that means "kind" or "dear."..
VaraviksneLatvianMeaning "rainbow." Varaviksne Melte..
VijaLatvianMeaning "beautiful" or "fascinating..

Description of Latvian Names
Latvian Baby Names
Latvia is a relatively flat country with low undulating hills on the eastern edge of the Baltic Sea. The Latvians constitute a prominent division of the ancient group of peoples known as the Baits, who were documented as having had an extensive trade with the Romans as early as the first century a.d. During the 10th and 1 lth centuries Latvian lands were subject to military threats from both sides. From the east there was Slavic penetration; from the west came the Swedish push toward the shores of western Latvia. During the Crusades, Latvia began to fall under German dominance, which would continue until the 18th century, when the prevalent power then became Russia. Although it did enjoy a brief period of independence in the early part of the 20th century, Latvia remained a constituent republic of the U.S.S.R. from 1940. It finally declared its independence in 1991. Despite the country's repeated foreign occupation, Latvian identity has managed to survive. Amateur art thrives in Latvia. Clubs and individual enterprises have drama groups, choirs, ensembles, orchestras, and dance companies. Latvia has a conservatory of music, an academy of arts, and a number of specialized secondary educational establishments for students of music, painting, and the applied arts. Noted Latvian composers include Jazeps Medins, Janis Medins, and Emilis Melngailis. Janis Raninis, who died in 1929, is generally considered Latvia's most important writer.
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