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Browse over 24 Kenyan Girl Names and Kenyan Boy Names

Kenyan Baby Names

Name Origin Meaning Rating Fav.
AlunaKenyanLiterally means "come here."
BarasaKenyanA name that means "the meeting site..
ChilembaKenyanMeaning "turban."
ChiumboKenyanMeaning "a little creation."
GakereKenyanMeaning "a small muscle."
GakeriKenyanMeaning "a small muscle." Wanguwa G..
JumapiliKenyanMeaning "Sunday." A name given to a..
KaindaKenyanMeaning "the hunter's daughter."
KamauKenyanMeaning "a quiet warrior." Daniel K..
KanikaKenyanA child with this name will be natu..
KaweriaKenyanSignifying "the loving one."
KeanjahoKenyanMeaning "a mountain of beans."
LisimbaKenyanMeaning "a lion."
MakalaniKenyanPublishing parents may choose this ..
MakenaKenyanA name that means "the happy one."
MpendaKenyanFor romantic parents here is a name..
NafulaKenyanMeaning "rainy season" it's a name ..
NginaKenyanMeaning "one who serves."
NjeriKenyanMeaning "daughter of a warrior."
OkothKenyanMeaning "born when it is raining." ..
OtienoKenyanMeaning "born at night." Dalmas Oti..
ThabitiKenyanSignifying "a true man."
TumainiKenyanA name that means "hope."
WambuiKenyanMeaning "the singer of songs." Wamb..

Description of Kenyan Names
Kenyan Baby Names
According to the most recent census figures, there are 42 tribes living in Kenya, as well as various non-African ethnic groups. Affairs of government and education are generally conducted in English — the official language — while the national language of Swahili is used for all other matters. In addition to these two languages, most of the people of Kenya also speak what they consider their mother tongues — the languages that they grew up speaking. Although an increasing number of city-dwellers use English, most rural people continue to speak their tribal languages. More than 30 distinct languages or dialects exist in Kenya. One of Kenya's most renowned writers is Ngugi Wa Thiong'o, who was the first Kenyan author to write in his native Kikuyu.
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