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Browse over 39 Finnish Girl Names and Finnish Boy Names

Finnish Baby Names

Name Origin Meaning Rating Fav.
AilaFinnishFrom the Greek Helene, which means ..
AnnikkiFinnishA form of the Hebrew name Hann..
AnsaFinnishThis name has the significance "con..
AnttiFinnishThis name signifies "virile."
ArtoFinnishFrom the Irish for "noble" or "bear..
EevaFinnishThis name signifies "life." Among n..
FransFinnishA form of the Latin Francis, whic..
HannesFinnishA form of John, which means "God ..
HawnaFinnishA form of Hannah, meaning "grace...
JanneFinnishA form of John, meaning "God is g..
JoosefFinnishA form of Joseph, which means "he..
JuhanaFinnishA form of John, which means "God ..
JuhoFinnishA form of John. Notable men with ..
JussiFinnishA form of John, meaning "God is g..
KaleviFinnishThis name means "hero."
KalleFinnishFrom the Gaelic Carol, meaning "mel..
KostiFinnishFrom the Norwegian Gustav, which me..
KyllikkiFinnishA name that signifies "strong woman..
LasseFinnishFrom the Greek Nikolaus, which mean..
LiisaFinnishA form of Elizabeth, which means ..
LiljaFinnishThis name means "lily."
MaijaFinnishFrom the Hebrew name Mary, mean..
MariaFinnishA form of Mary, which means "bitt..
MarjattaFinnishA form of Margaret, which means "..
MeriFinnishThis name signifies "the sea."
MielikkiFinnishMeaning "pleasing."
MikkoFinnishFrom the Hebrew Mikha'el, which mea..
MirjamFinnishA form of the Hebrew Miriam, ..
NiiloFinnishFrom the Irish Neil, which means "c..
PaavoFinnishA form of Paul, which means "smal..
RiikuFinnishA form of Richard, which means "r..
RistoFinnishA short form of Christopher, whic..
TaavettiFinnishFrom the Hebrew David, which means ..
TaneliFinnishThis name means "God is my judge."
TapaniFinnishA form of Stephen, which means "a..

Description of Finnish Names
Finnish Baby Names
Long ruled by foreign powers, including Sweden and the pre-revolutionary Russian Empire, Finland finally declared independence in 1917. During World War II, Finland fought the USSR twice and then the Germans toward the end of the war. In the following half-century, the Finns made a remarkable transformation from a farm/forest economy to a diversified modern industrial economy. Finnish, like Estonian and Hungarian, is an Asiatic-derived language completely unrelated to the other Scandinavian tongues. Many names in Finland are borrowed from Scandinavian, Germanic, and even English sources, such as Johan, Ole, Claes, and Eugen; others are uniquely Finnish in nature, such as with Paavo, Pekka, Esko, or Risto. Famous Finns include the design innovators Alvar Aalto and Eero Saarinen, the film director Renny Harlin, and the composer Jean Sibelius.
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