Akua | African | Born on Wednesday. Ewe, Ghana | | |
Akua | African | Born on Wednesday. Ewe, Ghana | | |
Akwete | African | First born of twins. Ga, Ghana | | |
Akwetee | African | Younger of twins. Ga, Ghana. | | |
Akwokwo | African | Younger of twins. Ga, Ghana | | |
Alaba | African | Second child born after twins. Yoru.. | | |
Alake | African | One to be petted and fussed over. Y.. | | |
Aleela | African | For a child who is born crying and .. | | |
Ali | African | Muslim name derived from the Arab.. | | |
Alile | African | She weeps. Often bestowed upon a ch.. | | |
Almasi | African | Meaning "diamond." A name for a par.. | | |
Aluna | African | Come here. Mwera, Kenya | | |
Alyetoro | African | Oriki name meaning "peace on earth... | | |
Ama | African | Born on Saturday. Ewe, Ghana | | |
Amadi | African | Rejoicing, celebrating. Ibo, Nigeri.. | | |
Amadi | African | Rejoicing, celebrating. Ibo, Nigeri.. | | |
Amaziah | African | Meaning "extraordinary." Name given.. | | |
Ambonisye | African | God has rewarded me. Nyakyusa, Tanz.. | | |
Aminah | African | Faithful, honest. Derived from the .. | | |
Aminifu | African | Meaning "faithful," this name is gi.. | | |
Anane | African | Akeradini name meaning "fourth son... | | |
Andwele | African | God brought me. Nyakyusa, Tanzania... | | |
Aniweta | African | A spirit brought it. Ibo, Nigeria. | | |
Anuli | African | Joyous, delightful. Ibo, Nigeria | | |
Anum | African | Akeradini name meaning "fifth-born... | | |
Apara | African | A child that comes and goes. Yoruba.. | | |
Arigavu | African | A daughter with brightly colored ey.. | | |
Arusi | African | For a child who arrives surprisingl.. | | |
Asabi | African | She is superior, she is of choice b.. | | |
Asali | African | Meaning "sweet honey," a child born.. | | |
Asante | African | Translated literally as "thanks," A.. | | |
Asha | African | Life. Derived from the Arabic 'asha.. | | |
Ashur | African | Muslim name derived from the name o.. | | |
Ashura | African | Born during the Islamic month of As.. | | |
Asilia | African | Meaning "honest."
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