Liesa | German | Short form of Liesbeth (God is my o.. |  |  |
Liese | German | A familiar form of Elise or Eliz.. |  |  |
Liesel | German | A familiar form of Elizabeth. Amo.. |  |  |
Lieselott.. | German | A combination of Elizabeth and Char.. |  |  |
Lif | Scandinavia.. | Derived from the Old Norse iifr (li.. |  |  |
Lifthrasi.. | Scandinavia.. | She who holds fast to life, desirin.. |  |  |
Ligia | Greek | Shortened feminine form of the Lati.. |  |  |
Lihau | Hawaiian | Derived from the Hawaiian Uhau, a w.. |  |  |
Liicio | Portuguese | A form of Lucius, meaning "light... |  |  |
Liisa | Finnish | A form of Elizabeth, which means .. |  |  |
Liisi | Estonian | Meaning "joined with God." |  |  |
Lila | Hindu | Derived from the Sanskrit lild (pla.. |  |  |
Lilavati | Hindu | Free will of god. The name was born.. |  |  |
Lile | Irish | Gaelic form of Lily, a borrowing of.. |  |  |
Lili | Chinese | Of uncertain meaning, it is possibl.. |  |  |
Lilia | Spanish | Spanish form of Lillian, which is d.. |  |  |
Lilian | English | Derived from the older Lilion, whic.. |  |  |
Lilian | German | A borrowing from the English, Lilia.. |  |  |
Liliana | Bulgarian | Meaning "lily," as in the flower. T.. |  |  |
Liliane | French | Variant of the English Lilian, whic.. |  |  |
Lilianna | Polish | Latinate form of the English Lilian.. |  |  |
Lilibeth | English | A combination of Lilly and Beth |  |  |
Lilika | Greek | Elaboration of Lily, a name taken f.. |  |  |
Lilike | Hungarian | Hungarian form of Lily, a name de.. |  |  |
Lilith | English | From the Assyrian-Babylonian lihtu .. |  |  |
Lilith | Hebrew | Old name derived from the Assyrian-.. |  |  |
Lilith | Muslim/Arab.. | Old name derived from the Assyrian-.. |  |  |
Liliya | Russian | Derived from the Latin lilium (lily.. |  |  |
Lilja | Finnish | This name means "lily."
|  |  |
Lilka | Polish | Meaning "celebrated warrior maiden... |  |  |
Lilli | German | A pet form of Elisabeth (God is m.. |  |  |
Lilly | English | Taken from the name of the plant ha.. |  |  |
Lily | Biblical | General name used in the Bible for .. |  |  |
Lily | Irish | Taken from the name of the plant ha.. |  |  |
Limu | Polynesian | Seaweed |  |  |