Janita | Scandinavia.. | Feminine diminutive form of Jan (Go.. |  |  |
Janna | Scandinavia.. | Dutch contracted form of Johanna (G.. |  |  |
Janna | Hebrew | A short form of Johana, meaning ".. |  |  |
Janne | Scandinavia.. | Danish and Norwegian contraction of.. |  |  |
Janne | Finnish | A form of John, meaning "God is g.. |  |  |
Jannike | Scandinavia.. | Scandinavian form of the French Jea.. |  |  |
Janoah | Biblical | Quiet, calm. The name is borrowed f.. |  |  |
Janos | Hungarian | Hungarian cognate of John (God is.. |  |  |
Januario | Portuguese | Derived from the Latin Januarius (o.. |  |  |
Januarius | Polish | A borrowing from the Latin, Januari.. |  |  |
Janus | Mythology a.. | From the Latin janus (gate, arched .. |  |  |
Jany | Hindu | Fire, fiery |  |  |
Japera | African | We are finished, now we offer thank.. |  |  |
Japheth | Biblical | Derived from the Hebrew yepheth (en.. |  |  |
Jaqueline | Portuguese | Meaning "the supplanter."
|  |  |
Jardena | Hebrew | |  |  |
Jared | American | Greek cognate of the Hebrew Yered.. |  |  |
Jared | Greek | Greek cognate of the Hebrew Yered, .. |  |  |
Jared | Hebrew | Anglicized form of Yared (descendan.. |  |  |
Jarek | Slovak | A pet form of any of the various na.. |  |  |
Jarek | Polish | Pet form of any of the various Po.. |  |  |
Jarita | Hindu | Mother. Alternatively, Jarita was t.. |  |  |
Jarka | Slovak | Feminine form of Jarek, a name de.. |  |  |
Jarl | Scandinavia.. | Nobleman. Jarl is borne in Norse my.. |  |  |
Jarl | Norwegian | Meaning "earl" or "nobleman."
|  |  |
Jarlath | Irish | Anglicized form of larfhlaith, an o.. |  |  |
Jarman | German | "From Germany." |  |  |
Jarmila | Slovak | Feminine form of Jaromil (lover o.. |  |  |
Jarnsaxa | Scandinavia.. | Ancient name of unknown meaning bor.. |  |  |
Jarogniew | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Jaromierz | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Jaromil | Slovak | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Jaromil | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Jaromir | Slovak | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Jaropelk | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |