Chanoch | Hebrew | Dedicated, initiated. The name Chan.. | | |
Chantal | African-Ame.. | French name derived from the Ol.. | | |
Chantal | American | French name derived from the Ol.. | | |
Chantal | French | Derived from a place-name in Saone-.. | | |
Chantale | English | English cognate of the French Chant.. | | |
Chante | French | Meaning "singer." | | |
Chanterel.. | African-Ame.. | French diminutive form of the Latin.. | | |
Chantou | Southeast A.. | Flower. Cambodia | | |
Chantrea | Southeast A.. | The moon, the light of the moon. Ca.. | | |
Chanya | Hebrew | The grace of Jehovah | | |
Chaonaine | African | It has seen me. Ngoni, Malawi | | |
Chapa | Native Amer.. | A beaver. Sioux, | | |
Chapawee | Native Amer.. | Active like a beaver, industrious. .. | | |
Chapman | English | Transferred use of the surname orig.. | | |
Chapowits | Native Amer.. | Plenty coyotes. Nez Perce | | |
Charaka | Hindu | Wanderer. The name was borne by a p.. | | |
Charalamp.. | Greek | Derives from the Greek chara, which.. | | |
Charis | English | Derived from the Greek kharis (grac.. | | |
Charis | Greek | Derived from the Greek charis (grac.. | | |
Charisma | American | Modern name derived from charisma (.. | | |
Charissa | American | Derived from the Greek kharis (grac.. | | |
Charissa | Greek | Elaborated form of Charis (grace, b.. | | |
Charita | Hindu | Having a good character, personable.. | | |
Charity | Biblical | Derived from the Latin caritas (est.. | | |
Charity | English | Derived from charity, which denotes.. | | |
Charlene | African-Ame.. | 20th-century coinage used as a femi.. | | |
Charlene | American | 20th-century coinage used as a femi.. | | |
Charlene | English | Coined in the 20th century, Charlen.. | | |
Charles | English | A popular name throughout Europe an.. | | |
Charles | French | A popular name throughout France, C.. | | |
Charles | Irish | A borrowing from the Scottish and E.. | | |
Charles | Scottish | A popular name throughout Europe an.. | | |
Charles | Welsh | A popular name throughout Europe an.. | | |
Charles | German | Meaning "farmer." Among well-known .. | | |
Charlie | American | Pet form of various names beginning.. | | |