Buckminst.. | English | Meaning "preacher." Geodesic dome c.. |  |  |
Bud | English | Meaning "herald" or "messenger." Bu.. |  |  |
Buddy | American | A familiar form of Bud. Actor Bud.. |  |  |
Budislav | Slovak | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Budur | Muslim/Arab.. | Derived from the Arabic budur (full.. |  |  |
Budzislaw | Polish | Compound name composed of the Slavo.. |  |  |
Buell | German | This name has the meaning "hill."
|  |  |
Buffy | American | A name that originated as a pet for.. |  |  |
Buford | English | Meaning "ford near the castle." |  |  |
Bugonegij.. | Native Amer.. | Opening in the sky. Chippewa |  |  |
Bunmi | African | My gift. Yoruba, Nigeria |  |  |
Bunny | American | Derived from bunny, a diminutive fo.. |  |  |
Bupe | Tanzanian | Meaning "hospitality."
|  |  |
Burgess | English | Transferred use of the surname deri.. |  |  |
Burke | American | Transferred use of the surname mean.. |  |  |
Burke | French | Meaning "fortress" or "castle." |  |  |
Burke | German | Meaning "from the fortified settlem.. |  |  |
Burl | German | A short form of Berlin, meaning ".. |  |  |
Burne | English | See Bourne in French section |  |  |
Burney | English | A familiar form of Rayburn, signi.. |  |  |
Burnni | Nigerian | Meaning "my gift."
|  |  |
Bursar | African | Intelligent parents can pick this n.. |  |  |
Burt | American | Short form of Burton as well as a v.. |  |  |
Burton | American | Transferred use of the English surn.. |  |  |
Burton | English | Transferred use of the surname orig.. |  |  |
Buseje | African | Ask me. Yao, Malawi |  |  |
Buster | American | "Hitter" or "puncher." Early Tarzan.. |  |  |
Butcher | English | Meaning "butcher." |  |  |
Buthayna | Muslim/Arab.. | Derived from bathua (flatland, easi.. |  |  |
Buu | Southeast A.. | Principal, leader. Vietnam, |  |  |
Buzsi | Hungarian | Meaning "consecrated to God." |  |  |
Byford | English | Meaning "by the ford."
|  |  |
Byhalia | Native Amer.. | White oaks standing. Choctaw |  |  |
Byhallia | Native Amer.. | Meaning "white oaks standing." Deri.. |  |  |
Byron | English | Transferred use of the surname orig.. |  |  |